What I can do is give you my preliminary thoughts, but I do think the procurement universe is filled with a lot of grey. There is very little black and white, and I think that on an outcome-based procurement you enhance that level of grey. Does that make my job perhaps more difficult in that you're not necessarily taking a darker shade of grey or a lighter shade of grey and now you're squarely in the middle? Does it potentially complicate the role of the ombudsman? Perhaps, right?
Again, it's too early for me to tell, but that is fundamentally my responsibility, and the neutrality of the position requires us to have that lens to make sure those outcomes are fair for both the supply community and the buyer community. But that in and of itself shouldn't be a rationale to not move forward with some of these initiatives, because I think it is important to experiment while in the procurement phase to find alternatives that are perhaps more productive, simpler, and deliver better results.