Congratulations, Ms. McDonald, on your appointment. I'm very directly interested by all that happens at Canada Post, and I've been visiting the depots in my constituency.
To follow up on what you were saying about the changes that have been brought about and about capturing new markets for Canada Post, I think we can commend the employers, the workers, and the management for seizing that moment when e-commerce became so obviously the future. They adapted, so it proves that even if they are a unionized workforce they can adapt very quickly and capture these opportunities. I believe that they deserve our appreciation and recognition for doing it.
I know that you have quite a few challenges in front of you to bring this forward, but in regard to talking about management-worker relationships, I would say that, generally speaking, in my visits there was a reasonably good relationship between the workers and the management. Some employees feel that there are instances of harassment and bullying that are not dealt with, not with the seriousness that they believe those issues deserve. It has less to do with sexual harassment or bullying and more to do with performance, such as how you perform your route.
Do you have any ideas? Have you heard about these complaints? Are you looking at ways for the employers to address them that will make it better for the employees?