On a yearly basis, as part of the annual report to Parliament, we identify the issues that have come up most frequently, based on the touchpoints we have. For the most recent fiscal year, we had 411 touchpoints. Those are instances where people have reached out to the procurement ombudsman's office. We categorize those by issue. Once we have identified those issues, we see the prevailing themes.
From the knowledge development and sharing perspective, our goals are to find those root issues that are repetitive issues that the procurement ombudsman's office continues to see. As I explained, sometimes when we're reviewing complaints we're limited by the facts of the complaint, and therefore are not able to broaden the research available on those points, but only to address the issue at hand.
What knowledge development and sharing will do is allow a deeper understanding. In the coming months, we hope to develop what those three to five research papers will look like in terms of topics for research. Then, of those three to five, we'll see which ones have the additional depth and information available to be able to do a deeper dive. We anticipate, in year one, to do one or two deep dives on these issues that are recurring themes that we see as an office.
To promote the 10-year anniversary, we also hope to publish a 10-year review as to what we've seen as an office over that 10-year period. We think that actually creates a “lessons learned” type of document that will be useful both to the supply community and to government buyers alike.