One of the points I wanted to make is that the aboriginal community is not being given a chance to bid. Because they haven't gone through the application process, they haven't been pre-qualified. You couple that with this example. A month and a half ago on Buyandsell, they came out with an opportunity and they invited two firms, only two firms. Only two firms in Canada were allowed to bid on this. I know there are hundreds of firms that could bid on it if they didn't have to go through the pre-qualifying list. The two first firms that were asked to bid needed 10 resources. There's nothing wrong with those two firms calling each other and saying, “We'll put a joint bid in together. You put five resources in, and I'll put five resources in”. It's totally legitimate.
A month later it comes out, and it's awarded to one company. Surprise. What I'm saying is if the aboriginal community or anybody else was allowed to put in a compliant bid, it would literally save the taxpayers of Canada probably millions of dollars and make it more open, fair, transparent, and competitive.