Welcome to the committee again, our presenters.
A lot of discussions have been had over the last hour about some of the challenges, some of the recommendations, different procurement programs, to the tune of 26, and some of the jurisdictions.
One of the things that stuck in my mind was the success story that Mr. LeClair talked about, and Manitoba Hydro was highlighted as one of the success stories.
You also balance that—or at least I heard you balance that—with the ability to build capacity. I'd like to link that and ask the following question. You mentioned that we are coming up with a strategy on the demand side and a strategy on the supply side. You said that the demand side is now in place and what's missing is the supply-side strategy.
Can you explain that, or can you expand on what we need to do on the supply side and how the characteristics of a successful story around Manitoba Hydro can help us build that supply-side strategy?