Colleagues, I think we'll commence now, even though we're missing a couple of our committee members. I'm sure they're close by and should be joining us very shortly.
With us today in our first hour we have representatives from the Métis National Council, Mr. Marc LeClair and Mr. Brian Card. In the spirit of full transparency, I should let all of my colleagues know that Marc and I have known each other for a few years now, and continuing on in that spirit of transparency, I should also say he normally kicks the crap out of me on the golf course. I won't let that influence me, Marc, in any rulings I may make today. Marc is one of the better golfers in Canada. Marc, welcome again.
Good to see you again, Mr. Card. Thank you for being here with us.
Gentlemen, you know the process, I'm sure you've gone through this before. We will give you 10 minutes between the two of you to make your opening comments. That will be followed by a series of questions from all of our committee members. The floor is yours.