I'd say certainly, Mr. Chair. I think our office is sufficiently funded to carry out our work at this time. We receive approximately 80 to 90 new disclosure files a year and about 30 to 35 reprisal files a year. All reprisal cases involve behavioural issues, because someone is retaliating against someone, and it is not uncommon for a disclosure file to include a behavioural aspect, if you will. One of the components of the definition of wrongdoing under our legislation is a serious breach of the code of conduct of the public sector. We do actively look at behavioural issues.
Balancing that with other options that are open to public servants, such as grievance procedures and informal conflict management systems that are implemented throughout government, is certainly an operational challenge. We are called upon regularly in our world to look at behaviour, as well as other types of wrongdoing, such as breaches of acts or abuse of public funds.