Thanks. I just wanted to confirm that.
I want to just get back quickly to Phoenix. Over time, we've seen the Gartner report, which we're told was presented but wasn't given to the minister; the director general of HR report, noticing all the issues with Phoenix, which wasn't passed on to the minister; and the project checklist talking about the backlog to be cleared, which wasn't passed on to the minister and CFOs. As well, we hear that IBM has come out and said that it actually told the deputy minister not to go ahead.
In light of all those warnings to the department that apparently were never passed on to the minister, in terms of ministerial oversight, what steps are you taking to ensure you actually are getting the proper information with all these other projects we have going on: $80 billion for shipbuilding; the $15 billion or $20 billion F-35 project; and everything else? We've seen repeatedly the information not getting to you or Minister Foote. What steps are you taking to ensure we're not getting a repeat of that?