As you mentioned, we are in the process of selecting a new design for the surface combatants, to be built at the Irving shipyards in Halifax. This is a new process, undertaken to try to accelerate the build. It is to take an existing design and work from that, as opposed to starting fresh with totally new requirements and trying to build the design from scratch. The objective here is to take an existing design and work from that to produce the final design, to be built at Halifax shipyards. Our objective is to speed up the process so we can get to construction more quickly by using an existing design.
That competition is under way right now. Officials are working very hard to assess the bids that have come in to produce an existing design from which we can work to build the new surface combatants. Our objective is to have the bidder selected in 2018, and we are on track to do that. A lot of work is going on right now to assess these bids, with the objective of having an existing design to work from, as opposed to starting new with the design.