Thank you.
That is indeed the role of public servants. However, since the messages did not get through, it is clear that there was a lack of trust. All of the officials did not receive the same information, particularly the ministers who were in place when the Phoenix system was launched.
What is particular about this case is that businesses like IBM normally carry out pilot projects and do project management when initiatives of this scope are implemented. However, all of the usual basic conditions that one would normally expect were skipped. I am staggered to learn that no pilot project was carried out, despite this being such a major change. That step was deliberately skipped over. Given these conditions, bad surprises were inevitable. In all cases, there are pilot projects. There may have been a semblance of a pilot project. We were told that the project was given the go-ahead, but before that, perhaps the project had not been studied in sufficient depth.
I heard it said that some employees were no longer there and that others had been assigned elsewhere. Recently, we did a study here on whistleblowers.