Thank you very much.
Thank you all for being here.
I was just looking at the genesis of how this program of purpose-based votes came about. There was a report entitled “Strengthening Parliamentary Scrutiny of Estimates and Supply”, in which Mr. Page, at that time the PBO, advised the OGGO committee to “move it away from voting on inputs, operating, capital, and grants and contributions to a program activity basis.” Then I looked at some of the breakdowns you have provided. That made it easier for me to understand that your vote 5, which is grants and contributions, was then broken down into votes 5, 10, 20, etc.
Having done that, I'm trying to figure out some of the challenges that were faced. Perhaps Transport Canada can address this. When you were going from the old system to the new system, were there any challenges faced, were there any hiccups you went through, and was there any room for improvement in that system?