Speaking on behalf of the middle-aged, hang in there.
In The Globe and Mail, there was an update on one of their old articles about nepotism in the public service, and it talks about nepotism in the standard term that we're used to, but also about job postings being tailored with specific people in mind. Could you address that?
It's funny, because I came across a great old Dilbert cartoon in which Alice, if anyone's familiar with Alice, talks about internal job postings. She sees a job she'd love and she says, “Experience required: a candidate must be a guy named Eric, pot-bellied, nearsighted, must drive a red Ford Bronco”, and Dilbert says, “Well, they might have someone in mind already.”
There was a report that came out before your time, before most of our time, about the nepotism issue, and I wonder if you could address how we're dealing with that ongoing issue of how job postings are getting tailored with someone specific in mind and are not making it to the general public, either to new people coming in or perhaps to people from other departments.