Please, let me get to it, because I was going to say that we have, on a monthly basis, about the same number of new vets who are being added to the priority system as we're able to place. We're doing a good job of placing. We're placing on average 20 to 30 per month, but we're also getting new people joining.
What we have done is that we've set up almost what we could call a “concierge service” to support them, because we realized that there was too much of a passive approach to managing the priority. We've actually had somebody call every veteran who was on the list to find out if they actually were actively searching for work or if they were not. In some cases—very many cases—they were not ready. They could not at that point consider jobs in the public service. Even if we referred them to jobs, they were not responding or they were not able.
That's the first triage we've done. Now we're focusing on making sure that for those who are ready to work, and who are able to work, we place them as soon as possible.