I call the meeting to order, even though it's a couple of minutes before our scheduled start time.
We we do have a number of witnesses with us today, and I appreciate their being here.
Colleagues, just for your edification, this is how I plan to deal with this. We have two panels of four witnesses each. Each of the two panels will have a 10-minute intervention per organization. Then we will go into, hopefully, a full seven-minute round of questions from each of the committee members. That should bring us to approximately 5 p.m., or shortly thereafter, at which time I will suspend and we will go in camera for some committee business.
Without further ado, I'd like to welcome our witnesses.
From the Association of Canadian Financial Officers, we have Mr. Dany Richard and Mr. Nicolas Brunette-D’Souza.
From the Public Service Alliance of Canada, we have Chris Aylward, who we have had at this committee many times before, and Amy Kishek.
I understand that you have determined what the speaking order will be.
My understanding is that, Mr. Aylward, you're going first for 10 minutes, please.
The floor is yours.