Welcome, and to some of you, welcome back.
I want to follow up on your comment about the G7. When we were here last time we discussed the purchase of the cars. I realize it wasn't the PSPC that bought the cars, but how do we ensure, moving forward, that we're actually working toward greening, so that we don't have departments going off on their own—not violating government policy, but going off in the wrong direction, as they did buying the gas cars?
This goes back to the conversation we had at the last meeting. I read through the departmental plans. There doesn't seem to be any one in charge, so to speak. I've just done some more reading, and now I realize that Natural Resources Canada is supposed to be partnering with TBS on greening government. That didn't come up at all in the last meeting. I look at their departmental plan, and see they have nothing about greening government, apart from the number of times stakeholders acknowledge using NRCan products in making decisions.
We hear all this great rhetoric, and we are doing some stuff, but a lot of things are slipping through the cracks, and there doesn't really seem to be anyone setting proper goals and in charge to make sure we're not buying cars or ensure that we're actually doing proper green procurement, etc.
I'll start with the cars. How do we go forward and not have a repeat of that?