Mr. Xenos, there was the comment about if you can't measure it, you can't approve it, etc. I go back to the department [Inaudible—Editor] You say it's published, but it's not published on your DPRs and it's not in the departmental plans either.
Will we see a time when these goals are actually put in writing in the departmental plans for each department and they will actually show up in the departmental plan results?
PSPC, your department, Natural Resources, not one of you has a comment in your departmental plans or results that just came out about what we've achieved for the greening efforts. I'm not saying that you're not making the efforts, but it's not being published in your departmental plans.
I'm curious about how we get to—and I've brought this up before—a point where you have someone in charge, whether it's yourself saying this DPR is not acceptable, you have not put in your result....