Those are good questions. On the Treasury Board side, there are a couple of things.
On procurement and the policy on green procurement, we lead the policy direction so departments like PSPC are the key implementers. We set policy direction and PSPC implements. That's the easy way to explain it.
Essentially, the procurement policy and the policy on green procurement are the two things housed at the Treasury Board. Treasury Board owns them.
We update. We've refreshed the policy on green procurement, and we've obviously passed the government greening strategy. We have those two vehicles. The greening government strategy has a procurement section that is reflected in the policy on green procurement. We also convene folks across departments to discuss procurement issues and provide training and support to procurement officials across the government.
The greening government strategy has set out various outcomes in different key areas of procurement, such as, real property, fleet and electricity, so we can drive toward those outcomes. There is a commitment to buy 100% clean electricity by 2025.