I think the number one thing is that we're disclosing it publicly now. Since the greening government strategy, we've disclosed emissions by department, by region and by fuel type publicly. It's all on Open Data on the website, so it's very clear how departments are doing and how we're doing overall.
That is available to see. We also annually request departments to report to us on their emissions and their fuel. We update that annually, which didn't exist before. Before we didn't have a good sense of where the emissions are publicly.
This is helpful, I think, for departments. The first thing is we make sure we track and measure everything we can so that we have a better sense of the metrics. We will also know where we should target our efforts. There are a few departments that have bigger footprints and so we can work more closely. One of the questions was as to how we work with departments. We can work bilaterally with those departments on their particular situation and their circumstances. The better numbers and metrics gives us focused interventions, if you will, so we know how much emissions are from electricity and heating, how much in each region, and how much by department so we can focus on the facilities and areas that we need to.
It also allows industry to better target their solutions. When industry.... I think you'll hear later from some of the Cleantech Alliance folks. They can look and say, “I have a certain solution. Which department should I be looking at? What region of the country should I be targeting?” It allows them to do a little bit more targeting of their products instead of just coming generally and understand how the government works across it.