Unfortunately, I haven't been able to read the study and see what parameters they were looking at. Were they looking at the condensate return coming back to the plant, or were they considering that a total heat loss? I'm not sure. I don't know what they were looking at. When you do something like that, a study of that type—that large—I don't know where they're calculating their heat losses or their energy losses in the system.
A hot-water system works great, but a low-temperature hot-water system.... If it's just for one particular building, it's fine. You can get away with it. When you're talking about a distribution system that could be up to 10 kilometres long, all the way from the Printing Bureau to here, to the Château Laurier and Sussex, it's too long a distance to travel. If you have 185°F water, less than 212°F.... Sorry, I'm using Fahrenheit. I'm old. We still work in Fahrenheit in the plant. You can get away with it in a small line, but in order to have that low amount of energy, water at 185°F, which is barely higher than what you get out of your hot-water tap, you would need huge pipes to supply the whole downtown core. There are just too many square feet. That's what it comes down to.
That is why, when it was initially proposed to us and they were telling us that they were going to run it at that temperature, we all shook our heads and said, “They've got to be kidding me.” Now we have them up to 150°C, which is about 302°F, so we're getting closer to the target numbers necessary to have hot water travel long distances. Imagine the heat loss at -30°C outside with a pipe from Gatineau, Quebec, all the way to right here in this building. When it's -30°C and your water is at 100°C, there's a major heat loss. Nobody has calculated that. They want to put it underground. They want to put it on the bridge. There are all kinds of things they're looking at. We didn't get a clear business proposal.