Again, I just want to make it clear that PCO is not spending the money ongoing. We spent the initial portion on their behalf. We spent $438,000. Of that, the lion's share was for IT services, to actually get them up and running...some equipment, some repairs to buildings just to get them up to spec for what was needed for the debates commission, office furniture and some administrative support.
There's not a whole lot of spending, as you can appreciate, that's occurred at PCO. For the remainder of this fiscal year, of the money that's been transferred to the debates commission as a new department, about a half of that amount relates directly to salary. The remaining piece is broken up between travel—obviously, the debates commissioner has been travelling to seek input from stakeholders—and then some professional services, including the advisory board members who are paid a per diem to be part of this.
For next year, the total spending is going to be around $4.6 million. Of that, if you include EBP, a little under $900,000 would be related to salary, as our best estimate. I do want to keep underscoring the fact that they're independent and may make changes in how they spend. They could spend more on salary, less on salary. This is my best estimate.
Then, the remaining amount is broken down among things that I've mentioned before: travel, printing services, communication, advertising services and professional services, with the lion's share of that relating specifically to what would likely be a contract to put on the two debates, one in English and one in French.