That should be page 5, yes, mes excuses.
In terms of the interim estimates, the money the department needs to kick-start the upcoming fiscal year, it's a formulaic approach. We basically take the authorities for the current fiscal year and ask for a fraction of those. For our operating dollars we're asking for four-twelfths, if I have that right, Marty. For our capital, we're asking for three-twelfths just to get it started.
Next is slide 7, or page 7. I know sometimes the departmental results frameworks are a little bit confusing to follow, so we have a crosswalk for you about our previous results framework and how it relates to the strategic outcome and program alignments. Current results are on the left and old program names are on the right, to allow you to do that crosswalk.
I apologize for the whirlwind tour through the deck.
Paul, is there anything you want to add on Shared Services Canada?