At that time, they had just developed a new officer induction training program, which came into effect in 2013. I was one of the first graduates of Rigaud on that program, which had recently been revamped. It was about a year-long process. I found that there were a lot of times where paperwork and things were redundant because I had already done it in the military, things like applying for a 10-year background check for a secret-level security clearance when I already held a top-secret clearance.
When I was away with the military, I might receive an email on my phone as a corporal in barracks saying they needed documents filled out and returned to the recruiting group by the end of the week—this when I had no access to a computer or a printer—or I'd get an email telling me I was scheduled for an interview at such and such a time, when I wasn't even in the province.
The military was the most accommodating in that—