Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to our witnesses, both for your service overall and for being here today. Thank you for some very frank and honest advice about what might make things better for people coming out of the service.
My question comes back to the MPRR.
I'm wondering if you could tell me, based on your knowledge of the public service, if there's a comparable list of courses or qualifications there. Would it be possible for veterans coming out of the Canadian Armed Forces who say they have an interest in applying to public service jobs—presumably not everybody has an interest in working for the public service when they come out of the military—to take that document and...? Is there any kind of public service equivalent that you could translate that into that would stand in for many job applications, as opposed to the work that goes into getting every hiring manager to understand the military language? Is it possible to have a document that would satisfy hiring managers without that knowledge that could be used for multiple applications?