In relation to performance information, we have been in close consultation with our Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit over the last two years in developing a new performance framework for the Australian government and in trying to improve the quality of performance information that is provided to the Parliament as part of the estimates process and through annual reports.
I think it's fair to say that our Parliament is dissatisfied with the overall quality of performance information produced by the system. It wants more clarity, a better performance story, and a better idea of how public monies are being spent.
Frankly, we have struggled with providing that as a system. We have a new set of reforms that are designed to improve the quality of performance information, and to give better clarity around what is done with public money and what is achieved with public money. That will be contained in the annual performance statement, which is a new artifact in our system, if you like, which Dr. Helgeby referred to previously.