That is what I hear too. Once a week is not much, but it is better than nothing.
The problem that arises is to determine how those people who are entitled to this service will recognized. I explained in my presentation that a doctor's certificate would be necessary, but that you would have to pay the doctor to obtain the certificate. What would a person who does not have a doctor do? How can Canada Post have the expertise to determine whether a person is disabled enough? One finds it hard to believe it has that kind of expertise. If it does, we would like to know about it.
In Quebec at least, the health and social services system is experiencing problems. There are waiting lists and so on. I take a dim view of that. Ultimately, this may be good, but how would we go about determining who is entitled to what? Decisions may be based on something other than the actual situation of the individuals in question. If there is only one person with disabilities in a given neighbourhood, would there be a temptation to say that ultimately that person is not really disabled? Who will monitor this? Will there be an appeal mechanism if an individual does not agree with a decision?