I think that any services they can deliver would be helpful. I'm going to use another personal example from my community. Again, it's fairly large, and you would think 35,000 people would be sustainable, but it's also a very large community and there are tiny pockets. You can't assume that a population of that size is all going to be contained in a small area.
In our community, we've just had a bank close, the only bank within the community, so there is no opportunity unless you do Internet. We have a lot of older folks in the community who really aren't interested or just don't want to learn. They need that post office for many things, even if it's just to go in to say hello and chat in the morning, have a face-to-face conversation, and pick up their mail. Also, as I mentioned, we have people who do use the wiring service there, particularly the seasonal workers who are here to work on our farms.