Thanks very much and hello to everybody.
I should mention that I'm a professor of work and labour studies and I direct a seven-year research project called “Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces to Respond to Climate Change”. It's part of a suite of research projects that began to get funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in 2008 and continue into the 2020s.
Reviewing the task force discussion paper and some of CPC's own reports, I'm struck by the lack of strategic creativity when seeking options for the future and the need to broaden our ambition. I use the word “our” advisedly, because the task force report really showed us to what degree Canadians hold Canada Post in both affection and commitment.
The task force was struck to explore the range of possible responses by CPC to the new challenges of the digital era, particularly in relation to raising more revenue to compensate for the decline in letter mail volume. Unfortunately, both the CPC and the task force define narrowly both the central question of what is to be done and the scope of CPC's potential for growth and diversification.
The task force then looked at solutions in all the old places. The options proposed do not reach beyond the tried—and not so successful—and the known, focusing on cuts in services and jobs, with some outreach to new revenue sources. But is that all that's possible?
In my own research, I've looked around at what other countries have done. I have worked and talked with the president of the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission on its work as well. Let's turn the question around: is to focus narrowly on cuts, jobs, and competition all that's possible?
On the question of what is the future for the Canadian postal service, let's ask these two questions. First, how can Canada Post take leadership in both the digital and the environmental transitions that are transforming the economy and society in Canada today, as they are in other developed countries? Second, how can Canada Post contribute to the government's high-priority climate action program? While that plays almost no role in the task force report, it's coming down the pike for Canada Post. We know it will.
We can widen the question. How can Canada Post take digital and environmental leadership in this transitional time? This opens the door to a broader vocation for Canada Post as a leader in environmental innovation as well as to next-generation training for Canada Post workers, because there will be a next generation.
Postal services in a number of developed countries are offering successful and innovative new services. Canadian postal unions have proposed collaborative strategies to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that Canada Post's work creates, because Canada Post is a major producer of the very pollution that we need to slow.
I should mention that in 2011, during negotiations, the principal union came to Canada Post with a proposal for two things: one, to eco-audit mid-sized facilities to reduce their greenhouse gases; and two, to start a pilot project with greening the work. That did not go through. Canada Post didn't take it up in that round of bargaining. One hopes it will in the future.
I want to mention, too, a number of promising strategies that will contribute to Canada Post's transformation for the next generation.
First, conduct eco-audits of all Canada Post facilities, with transparent reporting.
Second, have Canada Post retrofit all corporate-owned postal facilities for energy conservation and sustainable practices. You seek federal infrastructure funding for that, but the federal government has been open to that kind of infrastructure funding.
Third, have Canada Post replace its 13,000-vehicle fleet with green vehicles.
Fourth, parcel markets are growing exponentially. Canada Post real estate, home delivery, and its local post offices for parcel pickup are all competitive advantages. Don't cut the infrastructure.
Fifth, use the delivery network for multiple purposes. It's good business. It is also environmentally cleaner.
Sixth, environmental multi-skilling and training of postal workers, which is going on in other countries, can make our postal workers specialists in safety monitoring and energy efficiency installation and will broaden the services that Canada Post can offer, as well as create a small army of environmental experts in the field. Now, you may be thinking, what is Canada Post doing here? The answer there is that it's what other countries are doing as well.
I'll continue.
Seventh, training for monitoring the health of seniors and disabled in rural areas is cost effective.
Eighth, have Canada Post to take on the responsibility for the delivery of some social programs for the government, as La Poste in France does.
Last, Canada Post is to develop a green plan in real time.