Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'll start asking my questions.
I'm a bit surprised to see how fine the line is between the business and residential services in terms of the competition, monopoly, benefits or perceptions of the competition.
Mr. Hinds, you spoke of flyers and how everyone loves getting them. That's the first time I've heard that. Obviously, you're in business. However, I've been hearing that people take all the advertisements in the community boxes and throw them out.
I'm a former mayor. There was a request to have a recycling bin beside the community box where people can put the advertisements instead of bringing them home.
You asked for greater access because you think Canada Post has an unfair competitive advantage. However, Canada Post claims to be looking for new revenue and to be experiencing a crisis of confidence. How can those two points be reconciled?
I asked residents and users this question. Do you want us to subsidize Canada Post despite its deficits? I'm asking you the question as a business representative. Do you want the Government of Canada to subsidize Canada Post in order to subsidize businesses?