Ladies and gentlemen and colleagues, I think we'll begin.
Welcome to meeting number 30 of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. We are continuing our study of Canada Post.
As you probably are aware, ladies and gentlemen, since I'm sure you've been following the proceedings, the minister responsible for Canada Post has engaged in a fairly widespread consultation process. The first step was to establish a task force to examine the financial viability and sustainability of Canada Post. That task force has completed their work, and they have submitted their report to the minister. Our committee has also had a chance to examine that report.
The second phase of the consultation process is a cross-Canada consultation with Canadians, individuals, and organizations to talk about their views for the future of Canada Post, and that's why we're here today. Following the three-week consultation process, we will have a report drafted and submitted to Parliament before the end of this year.
We are here today to talk with all of you. The process is fairly simple, but we are under tight timelines. We're asking that opening statements be no more than five minutes long. That will allow for one round of questions from all of our committee members. Then we'll go on to the next set of witnesses. If I can get all of you to please abide by our tight timelines, I would appreciate it very much.
That said, my list has Mr. Hinds as our first intervenor.
Mr. Hinds, welcome. Your five-minute opening statement, please.