In our community, they recently changed sorting to Thunder Bay, and probably in yours as well. I think all of ours in the northwest went to Thunder Bay because someone bought a fancy new machine, and we had to justify buying a machine.
I had in my brief that it was three days, but when I went back and checked, we were told we would still get local delivery in two days. As a municipality, we sent out four or five different mailings at different times and with different-sized envelopes. We tracked how long it took to get them back. Two days was most certainly not the norm.
I think we got one back in two days. I believe it was three days for around 30% of them, but the others took up to eight or nine days. We used to sort mail locally, and I wouldn't be too surprised if we lost one employee when that sorting went away. When we sorted it locally, we did get it in two days.
For anyone to think you can put mail in a truck at three in the afternoon, drive it down to Thunder Bay—about a seven-hour drive—sort it, and get it back and in the boxes the next day in Red Lake, Ontario, is a bit of a stretch. We didn't have a good experience with it.