I'll just say that when that promise, if you want to call it that, was made, it certainly lightened the load on me as the mayor and on our council and on our city with respect to this issue. We had a lot of representation. We had public meetings as well. I don't know if you realize it, but in Corner Brook, if you can get 10 people out to a meeting, that's a crowd. We'd have 60, 70, or 80 people out, or more. Most of them were seniors or people with disabilities who were going to be challenged by this change.
The promise, then, to maintain door-to-door service meant to us that what we have now we would keep. I would expect that in new subdivisions where you put in the amenities such as sidewalks, you would put community mailboxes where it would be logical to place them. We don't have an issue with that going forward, but we would see it as an impact on those who have that service now, who would lose any level of service.