I would say that probably what we actually have right now is alternate-day delivery, since we don't get mail every day because there's not enough mail to be delivered every day. If that's currently happening, I don't know whether the cost savings have been calculated, if there are any, but currently if I get the mail three days a week, I'd be surprised, and that's about it.
I do particularly subscribe to.... All my banks and whatever I deal with, I always ask for it to be sent to me in the mail. I don't use the electronic.... I can. I have that option. But I believe in supporting Canada Post as well. So it is in existence right now. I don't know if we would see much of a change in the level of service than what we're seeing right now, if we did go to alternate-day banking, but that's from my point of view. I'm sure Mr. Gardner would have a different point of view about that.