Yes, absolutely. You mentioned change and progress, and moving forward. In the disability world, persons with disabilities, we've been left so far behind for so long that we haven't had a chance to catch up. In our society, which is considered to be probably one of the better ones in the world, when it comes to dealing with persons with disabilities, we haven't had a chance to catch up. You're actually moving so far ahead that we'll never catch up, and we'll never have the opportunity to catch up.
I do apologize if this comes out the wrong way, but somebody needs to stop and listen to the people, and listen to what they're saying, and what they need. Persons with disabilities need to be given a chance to catch up to mainstream society. Until that happens, we'll always be behind with the postal service, and I'm sure I could talk about a whole lot of other things.
That has to be given consideration. Give us a chance to catch up.