Very well.
In 2006, I had to resign my position when I was elected to a minority government. At that time, I would have liked to keep my status with regard to that position which I liked very much. Today, I have turned the page and moved on to something else. But I wanted to mention it.
To give people the opportunity of running for office, perhaps you could grant them the status referred to as “indeterminate”, which would be an important asset for a public servant.
I'd like to go back to the Privy Council Office.
I would like to come back to the process regarding the appointment of senators.
Can you enlighten me in that regard?
You said that you were seeking an additional $200,000 for the Senate, but you spoke about costs of $5.4 million over the next six years.
Could you tell me more about those costs? Will the recommendations in this report be made public?