Well, I've read through the many pages of the task force review, and I've looked at all of that, and I suppose that the numbers that have been provided to the task force would have been confirmed as accurate. When we're looking at the finances of Canada Post, I know that in the past studies were done where Canada Post released information and said, “Hey listen, if we don't do something right now, we're going to be in a situation where we're losing tons of money,” and the scare tactics that were put out there to the public saying, “You know what? Your taxes are going to be increased because you're going to have to pay for Canada Post.”
That was not a reality. It has not been a reality. For 18 of the last 20 years, Canada Post has posted profits. Last year alone there was $99 million of profit from Canada Post. One of the years they didn't post a profit, and I'd like to mention that Canada Post lost a major settlement with one of the bargaining units within Canada Post because they weren't paying men and women the same amount of money for work they were performing, which was the exact same type of work.