There may not be particularly for postal banking, but I'm not sure that we can comment on what our members' and our residents' appetite would be for the actual mechanism of postal banking.
The reference to banks and postal services partnering, from our submission, is that in many cases banks are struggling with being able to staff full time or to justify the expense of having a branch that's open full-time, regular hours in some of these smaller communities. Having the ability to partner on some of those expenses, those shared spaces...maybe they can align their opening hours and that type of thing to be able to provide a service.
We think banks are probably a service that has been reduced in our smaller communities. Most of the service that our members receive for postal or banking services is in those small urban areas that are represented by SUMA.
In the case of our residents, our hamlets would be very small and likely wouldn't have either of those services, so we'd be looking to endorse those smaller communities under the SUMA organization to support their having those types of facilities and keeping those post office and bank relationships. There may be other businesses they can partner with as well that already exist in these small areas.
Unfortunately, I can't comment as to specifically what the appetite would be for postal banking.