We're familiar with La Poste and Royal Mail from their own success in the market, or activities in the market.
We've also done work with some of the post offices around the world, and in certain cases, even some of the banks. We certainly have one of the largest banking practices among management consultancies in the world.
However, one of the key observations we made in the report was that in other countries where postal banking had really taken root, we saw a tendency towards either direct subsidization, as in the case of La Poste where it has an exclusive franchise on certain types of bond, or they had established themselves in markets long ago with a physical branch presence, which was much more of a necessity and an underserved need than we see today in Canada. The cost of banking was significantly higher than we see today in Canada. Also, it predated the move to electronic banking, which now negates some of the value of having a significant branch presence.