Sorry, let me rephrase the question.
Again, even in your ranks, at the postal worker level, they keep on talking about postal banking. It's not as simple as saying, “Oh, Canada Post should do postal banking”, right? There's a financial element to this, to say, “Okay, if Canada Post adopts postal banking, it will provide x dollars of revenue”, right? The assumption amongst your workforce, with all due respect, is that postal banking is the golden egg that's going to save Canada Post and provide hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue. The fact of the matter is that's not going to happen. The reason is that banking needs are already well served in Canada. Not all over the country, but, generally, where most of the population live, people's banking needs are served. That happens to be due to the strength of our banking sector. Wireless? Again, nobody's going to open up the CRTC to provide Canada Post with access, because Bell, Rogers, and Telus control that gambit. That's a discussion for another time.
From an every-day perspective, where do you see inefficiencies in your organization that can be improved upon that will help the financial sustainability of this organization?