Not in January there weren't, and when we went forward.... Again, most of the Gartner report was based on interviews with departments. When we went forward to the public service management committee, the Secretary of the Treasury Board canvassed the room of all of the departments, including those that were interviewed, and asked, given what they had just been told where we were with testing, where we were with readiness, did they feel we were ready to go. Brigitte can comment better on the union engagement, but in January and December, when the last union engagements occurred, we also felt that they were ready to go with us, and we were ready to move forward in partnership.
Then, as I said, we ran three pay cycles where we felt that the cutover had gone well, and it was only when we started to see that the transactions.... The first signs from the union, if I remember correctly, were after we had actually had the blackout period for the second cutover. Again, we felt we had sort of crossed the point of no return at that point.