Thank you, Minister, for setting the record straight that the overpayment offered during the 2012 to 2015 period was in the amount of $246 million. I hope that has been recovered.
Regarding the question that Mr. McCauley asked, I am looking at a letter that the deputy minister sent, which states:
The Department confirms that no outside consultants advised against implementing Phoenix....Independent reviews were completed by S.i. Systems, in alignment with the Treasury Board Secretariat policy, prior to going live. S.i. Systems' report states that "[on] the basis of the evidence provided, the Review Team feels that the Transformation of Pay Administration initiative should proceed to the next phase—a two-phase deployment of Phoenix, as scheduled.
Then it talked about the benefits outweighing the risk.
Could you explain to me this contradiction between the Gartner report and the S.i. Systems report?