I've been in the job for two years. My predecessor signed some of the omnibus NSEs that are in place now. I've described to you the ones that I have signed since I have been there, such as the Syrian refugee one, as well as about 20 requests per year from individual departments for projects. As I said, they cover large projects, such as fixed-wing search and rescue, interim fighter procurement, and Canadian surface combatants, where there is a whole series of procurements that flow under that.
As for the process that we apply, again, I've talked about robust industry engagement, so we look at what companies are out there to furnish the service. The client departments go through a rigorous process to determine whether a national security exception should apply. That's challenged at several levels in my department. If it withstands those challenges—and those include our legal services, looking at Treasury Board guidelines—eventually I will get a letter of request from my counterpart at the client department, whether it's the RCMP, National Defence, or other departments that have these needs. They will write to me. I will go through the entire thing, look at the reasons, look at the rationale, and look at the type of procurement. If I am in agreement, I will invoke the national security exception, and I write them a letter back. It's all documented and processed and on the file.