Yes, certainly. The front line really starts with what happens inside the agency, as I said, because the vast of majority of individuals don't even ever contemplate going outside and would see even the Integrity Commissioner as a last resort, let alone going to the media.
There does need to be protection for people who go to the media in reasonable circumstances, and currently that's another area of deficiency in your legislation. Those rules aren't of very high quality either.
The reality is that unless the regime is working in a way that means there is clear guidance, there is support for agencies to be getting it right in the first place internally, and that's being evaluated and monitored, then everything is reactive.
The key ingredients of the more proactive system are ones that are based on a level of mandatory reporting by agencies as to what disclosures they've received and how they're handling them. All our oversight regimes are now moving in the direction of automatic mandatory disclosure in real time, or close to real time, so that the oversight agency actually knows what the agency is handling and then can use their own risk indicators to say, “Okay, here are matters that we need to take a closer interest in right from the word 'go', rather than waiting for it to all be mishandled and then for a complaint of reprisal to come to us later, or for it to go to the tribunal later.”
Part of the skill and the capacity of the oversight agencies here is starting to identify that information, having that information, so that they know what agencies are handling, and then having those risk indicators to be able to say that these are the ones that they want to know more about now or that they will get involved in conciliation now, because it's high risk and high conflict already, or because the confidence of the whistle-blower internally is already falling apart in terms of what's happening in the agency.
Those are some of the ingredients of a more proactive regime, but it requires that sort of automatic mandatory reporting from the agency to the oversight agency. Then it requires the oversight agency to have both the will and the capacity to be able to be both monitoring and stepping in and then proactively intervening in individual cases where there are high-risk cases, where the problems, conflict, and damage will manifest. But if things are done differently early in the piece, it doesn't necessarily have to be that way.