When we move on to reliable confidentiality protection, I note that you have put some things in here. I think at least in that respect, your suggested changes to the act do marry up with international best practices on the confidentiality side.
On shielding whistle-blower rights from gag orders, when I look at what the international best practice says about this, they're really looking at the dichotomy between the employer and the employee. Something I don't see happening with any of the documents is the public interest. I'd like to know who the third person is at the table representing the public interest. We're talking about public bodies and whether there is wrongdoing occurring. I have a lot of apprehension about closed-door settlement in mediation. I feel it does need to go to tribunal, and we do need to have a public review. I don't feel comfortable in the context where there are three sides—the employer, the employee, and the public interest of the institutions—being secure and honest and performing to the best of their ability having these closed-door settlements. I don't think it's an appropriate mechanism for mediation. Maybe you can speak to that.