In terms of oversight, when we look at the main estimates for 2016-17, just under $50 million has been set aside for decision-making support and oversight. This is table III, I guess, on page II–271.
What type of oversight are we talking about here? Is this the type of oversight where we're saying, okay, we're paying a transfer out to a province, and this is making sure that the province is compliant? Is this money that's back-end decision-making support on the financing side? What type of oversight are we talking about?
The mandate letter talks about finding out whether or not the budgetary expenses are meeting their objectives. Is this money that is dedicated toward determining whether or not objectives are being met? If not, are we likely to see in estimates (A), (B), or (C), or work that happens over the course of this mandate, a line item for money towards measuring statistically the outcomes associated with programming implementation?