Thank you, sir.
I was going to say that whistle-blower retaliation is a workplace hazard. If you have a factory where there's an unsafe bulldozer or an unsafe forklift, the labour inspector can go in and have it fixed immediately or if they don't have it fixed, they shut it down. If there's a restaurant with a dirty kitchen, they can go in and fix it immediately. In Germany, where I live, if you're a pregnant woman and you're fired for being pregnant, you can be reinstated the next day. There is no reason whatsoever that whistle-blower retaliation cannot be ameliorated and fixed through a workplace labour inspectorate system. The inspector could go into the workplace, assess the problem, and create an order to fix it, which is just like cleaning up a dirty kitchen, cleaning up an unsafe construction site, or any other workplace hazard. We are completely against this having to go to court.
Has anybody in the room ever gone to court? Nobody wants to do that. I have and for the smallest things. Nobody wants to go to court. It's very naive to think that whistle-blowers, who are damaged or might not have any money, have the will, the energy, and the money to hire a lawyer to go to court and wait, in the case of Chantal Dunn, four and a half or five years for a trial. Even in the U.K., like I mentioned, it takes 20 months. We are completely against any kind of court remedy, except as the last resort.
I want to thank the gentleman from Democracy Watch for the time.
Thank you.