Thank you very much. Unfortunately, colleagues, and to our witnesses, we're out of time.
I do want to comment, particularly to our witnesses. When this committee started undertaking a study on the current whistle-blower protection legislation, we all thought, at the committee level, that it would only take a few meetings. It has expanded far beyond that in no small part thanks to the testimony of individuals like yourselves.
This has been of great benefit to our committee. The committee members now fully understand the fact that we have a big job in front of us in terms of reporting back to the government as to potential changes and perhaps—I don't want to speak without the consent of the committee—necessary changes.
Should you have any additional information that has not been covered by this committee, once again, I would encourage you to submit that information to our clerk, anything you think would assist us in our deliberations. Thank you again.
Committee members, we will suspend for a couple of moments, and then we'll go in camera for committee business.
[Proceedings continue in camera]