I believe it was the Clerk of the Privy Council who said that the average age at which employees obtained management positions such as director, director general, deputy minister and assistant deputy minister was over 50. We do not give young people the opportunity to get promoted to these positions, even if many have proven their competence when we give them the opportunity. When you look at the history of Facebook, PayPal and others, you see that all of the people who brought in innovations were less than 30. I think it is important to open a path to success for them.
You touched on something that is important to me, and that is official languages and their importance in the public service. If we want to promote official languages, we are going to have to teach through example. I know that you worked at Canadian Heritage. You understand the importance of official languages well.
A lot of progress has been made since you joined the public service. In your opinion, what issues should you work on in the next 10 years?