I don't have data with me, but certainly I can look into that and get back to you.
In my experience in the organizations in which I've worked, I think we've made a huge amount of progress. I think there are still some issues in terms of visible minorities, who feel that there are barriers. Even in our department, Canadian Heritage, I don't think we are truly representative in that area. We've made some progress over the last couple of years. I have been an advocate of using the flexibility that is available under the Public Service Employment Act to be able to target recruitment. In some cases when we know the kind of person we're looking for and we have a very highly qualified candidate, then I think we should not be running a process where we're going to be talking to or interviewing dozens of people. I think we should be looking at a different way to do our due diligence and ensure that merit is respected, but target a particular individual. We've done that in our department recently in one position and it has worked out absolutely magnificently.
I know it ruffles some feathers sometimes because people want to have access to promotions, but I think we have to take measures like this in some cases where there are clearly gaps that we need to fill.