I'll try to get back to where I was on that. If we feel that we can get two full hours, because of the timing of our meeting on advertising standards, then I want to circle back to make sure that we're going to be able to get all the witnesses we've proposed in the time frame that's there.
I also want to get a work plan in place. I know we have three things on the table right now. I'm going to try to speak to all of them, just to harmonize.
We have Mr. Weir's motion to strike “and Thursday, June 15, 2017” from ours. We have our motion to do the advertising standards. We have Mr. McCauley's motion on what the procurement work plan meeting should entail.
We want to do a work plan meeting, but we don't want it to be focused solely on defence procurement. So it would go up to “procurement process”, and everything after that, we would delete. We would discuss what we want our work plan to entail at the meeting rather than prejudge the outcome. There's a lot in government procurement. If we're going to make the motion something that we would be able to agree with, it would have to include a list of seven or eight other things.