I'll give you an example.
We lost a large auto manufacturer that had been advertising with community newspapers for decades, back in December 2016. The agency told us that they recognized we are by far the most effective and engaged media in the local communities, that people read their community newspaper like no other media, but he was looking for dollar savings, cost savings.
He used the same word that we see in the policy, “efficient”. What he means by efficient is that it's cheap. An agency can make their bottom line much easier by placing inexpensive digital advertising with the Googles and Facebooks of this world compared to buying display advertising in newspapers. It's about as simple as that.
He admitted that it wasn't going to be as effective, it wasn't going to reach as many people, but it was so cheap that he couldn't help but go there.
I think we're seeing the same thing with the federal government. You're being told that this is going to save you money and your budgets, that it's going to be just as effective. When it comes to particularly exurban markets, that's not true.